Ultra-rigid backing pad with Skeletime® hard steel plate, but with soft edge.
Designed to SELF-LEVEL and perfectly RECREATE flat surfaces without waviness, because thanks to the patented Skeletime® steel plate they always maintain a hard support for the abrasive in contact and rectify the waviness with perfect surfaces, significantly reducing manual work.
Designed to ALSO ELIMINATE DUST, because in addition to avoiding manual work, it is equipped with 24 airboxes and centralized holes with Venturi effect, which amplify the suction.
Suitable for all sanders and abrasives on the market.
Recommended mainly for the nautical/aerospace/automotive composite materials industry, wood industry, plasterboard sanding and other industrial uses.
Comes with a 1mm Interface Saver to soften the support to your liking or extend its life.
- Advantages Perfect surfaces directly from your sander.
- Reduces sanding hours by half.
- Zero dust in the environment and on surfaces.
- Significantly increases the effectiveness of the abrasive.
- Reduces physical fatigue of operators. Skeletime® transforms your sander and abrasive into a high-productivity tool.
- The Skeletime Thor backing pad lasts twice as long thanks to its steel plate that does not deform like the rubber of traditional backing pad.
It features a 5 mm hard rubber in combination with Skeletime® steel.
The applied pad and abrasive sand flat surfaces with maximum precision, resulting in high work efficiency and qualitative perfection on the new Skeletime® sanding standard.
With its 24 airboxes and centralized holes with Venturi suction effect, it leaves surfaces and environments dust-free.
The Skeletime® THOR Strong backing pad has a low profile, designed for easy use on all jobs.
The Skeletime® THOR Strong backing pad, thanks to its patented and high-strength Skeletime® steel plate, does not deform and has a long life.
The Skeletime® THOR Strong backing pad is compatible with electric or pneumatic sanders and is perfectly balanced to avoid the resulting mechanical vibrations.
The Skeletime® THOR Strong backing pad can be recognized during use by its white plate and Velcro.
Adapter kit (OPTIONAL) is available for sanders with non-standard attachments, such as Festool or Rupes.