Autocolor Bologna, commercial of SKELETIME Italia , on 26 May 2023 meets the A group.
Event held successfully at the Colorificio Gazzera in Cuneo with all the members and where they enjoyed the performance of SKELETIME after several practical demonstrations. scrl is a cooperative company, specialized in the import and distribution of products for auto-body, founded in 1979 by the union of a group wholesalers “pioneers” of the sector interested in establishing a unified and close-knit structure that would become a reference point for operators in the sector. Today the company has 16 members and more than 100 customers, distributors, wholesalers, located throughout the country. In a few years the group grows and develops ensuring Covea services throughout the country. Over the years many bodies have come into contact with the distribution net CoVeA and have used with satisfaction the products, just think that of the 15 thousand coachbuilders present in the peninsula, 10 thousand are or have been our customers, certainly all the most important in the country.